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Pokemon Clicker

Category: Clicker

Pokemon Clicker is an immersive web game that allows players to capture, train, and battle their own Pokemon. Players can enter the world of Pokemon where they can explore an immersive 3D environment full of wild Pokemon to capture and trade.


  • 3D Environment to explore and capture Pokemon
  • Variety of tools to capture wild Pokemon
  • Trainers to learn how to train your Pokemon
  • Combat moves and strategies to battle other players
  • Various rewards for winning battles

Game Controls

  • Mouse to navigate the 3D environment
  • Keyboard to control the players Pokemon
  • Controls to capture Pokemon, train them, and battle them

How to Play

Exploring the 3D World

Players are presented with a 3D environment which they can explore. By using the mouse, they can pinpoint their character and navigate through the virtual world. Here they will find wild Pokemon which they can capture and train. There are also various items to pick up along the way to help the players achieve their goals.

Capturing Pokemon

Players are equipped with a variety of tools to capture Pokemon. They must use these tools to corner the wild Pokemon and capture them. Once they have collected enough of a specific kind of Pokemon, they can then take them to a trainer to learn how to train them.

Training Pokemon

Trained Pokemon can be used to battle with other players. Trainers will teach players a variety of combat moves and strategies which they can use to battle with other players online. Trainers also provide guidance and advice to ensure players become the best they can be.

Battling Pokemon

Once a player has developed their skills with their Pokemon, they can take part in combat with other players. Players can select from a variety of moves and strategies to use to defeat their opponents and win the battle. The more players win, the higher their rank and the better rewards they will receive.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Pokemon Clicker is developed by Red Stone Games.

Release Date

Pokemon Clicker was released on April 5, 2021.

Similar games

Pokemon Clicker is similar to other Pokemon-based web games such as Pokemon Masters, Pokemon Go, and Pokémon Sword and Shield. It also shares features with other web games such as Clash of Clans, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm.


Where can I find wild Pokemon to capture?

Wild Pokemon are located throughout the 3D environment. Use the mouse to navigate the environment and look for wild Pokemon.

How do I capture a Pokemon?

You can capture a Pokemon with a variety of tools. You can purchase different tools from the in-game store to use in capturing Pokemon.

Can I battle against other players?

Yes. You can battle against other players by selecting the battle option in the game. Make sure your Pokemon are well trained before taking on other players.

Ufo X


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