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Category: Driving
Tags: Io | Water | Stunt | Webgl | Racing |

FlipSurf.io is an endless runner web game created by Brazilian-based indie developer, Smiling Nimbus Games. In the game, the player will assume the role of a surfer and have to dodge obstacles, jump over waves and perform tricks to avoid losing. The goal of the game is simple: to stay on the wave for as long as possible without losing your balance in order to reach the highest score.


  • Endless surfing game
  • Multiple waves
  • Unique visuals and obstacles
  • Power-ups to help the player progress
  • Various levels

Game Controls

  • Press 'Space' to jump.
  • Press 'Shift' to Back Flip.
  • Press 'Left-Shift' to Front Flip.
  • Press 'Z' to Switch Stance.
  • Press 'X' to do a Kick-Flip.
  • Press 'C' to do an Air Trick.

How to Play

To play FlipSurf.io, the player's main objective is to balance themselves on the wave while avoiding obstacles and performing various tricks in order to reach the highest score possible.


As the player surfs on the wave, they will be able to use the arrow keys or the WASD keys to move around. The player must be careful when navigating the wave as it may become more difficult to balance on it depending on the obstacles encountered. To stay on the wave, the player must press the space bar to jump, the shift key to back-flip and the left shift key to front-flip.

Performing Tricks

The player will have the opportunity to perform various tricks in the game to increase their score by pressing the Z, X and C keys. Each time a trick is performed, the player will recieve bonus points. The X key will perform a Kick Flip, the Z key will switch stances and the C key will perform an Air Trick.


Throughout the game, the player will encounter various power-ups in the form of fruits and coins that will help increase their score and help them stay on the wave for as long as possible. These can be collected by running into them or performing tricks upon contact. The fruits will give the player additional points and the coins will activate temporary bonuses that will help the player surmount certain obstacles.


FlipSurf.io is an endless surfing game where the player takes the role of a surfer. The game objective is to stay on the wave for as long as possible avoiding obstacles and performing tricks in order to score highest possible. The game features multiple waves, obstacles, power-ups and tricks for the player to maneuver.


The game map consists of multiple waves located in different biomes. Starting with a beach biome, the player can progress to different biomes with each wave they completed. The biomes each feature a unique set of visuals and obstacles.

Obstacles and Enemies

Every biome will have various obstacles and enemies to dodge or jump over. These obstacles can be dynamic platforms and jumping puzzles, static platforms or pivoting platforms or enemies such as nautical monsters. The player must be careful when attempting to dodge these enemies as some are more difficult than others and can cause a lot of damage if not avoided.


Throughout the game, the player will encounter various power-ups in the form of fruits and coins that will help increase their score and help them stay on the wave for as long as possible. These can be collected by running into them or performing tricks upon contact. The fruits will give the player additional points and the coins will activate temporary bonuses that will help the player surmount certain obstacles.


The game consists of various levels that will challenge the player's dexterity and skill to complete. In each level, the player must reach the highest score possible in order to progress to the next. As the player progresses, the levels become more difficult.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


FlipSurf.io was developed by the Brazilian-based indie game developer Smiling Nimbus Games. The company specializes in creating unique and challenging games for mobile and web platforms. Their other games include Clockwork Cubes, Runnity and Floppy Cave Runner.

Release Date

FlipSurf.io was released in August 2019

Similar games

Similar games to FlipSurf.io include: Super Sub Hero by Jetpack Joyride, Down the Line by Q-Games, and Waves by Sea Monster Games.


Q: What is the goal of FlipSurf.io?

A: The goal of FlipSurf.io is to stay on the wave as long as possible while avoiding obstacles and performing tricks.

Q: How do I perform tricks?

  • Press 'X' to do a Kick Flip.
  • Press 'Z' to Switch Stance.
  • Press 'C' to do an Air Trick.

Q: What are the available platforms to play FlipSurf.io?

  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS
Ufo X


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